Maddy's Rant

Vacuous, vivid, vivacious, aphrodisiac, simulating, rapid, ravenous

Location: Bellevue, WA, United States

Come and sit with me my friend, I promise to show you the world beyond your wildest imagination.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


(i) Primes(7/10) - Excellent movie. Uma Thurman did an excellent job
(ii) Shakepeare in love (6/10) - Overrated movie. I did not enjoy it that well.
(iii) Snatch (7/10) - Brad pitt was awesome in this movie. I liked it.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Some Movies Before I forget

(i) Rain Man - Excellent Movie, though at times I found Hoffman irritating. 8/10
(ii) Catch Me if You Can - Must watch. Caprio outperformed Hanks. 8.5/10
(iii) Requiem for a drem - Very disturbing movie. 7/10
(iv) Monster Inc - Prixar classic. First of its kind. 7.5/10

Friday, March 03, 2006

Technical Writing

Here are some gory details to be accounted, while writing a technical paper.

(i) Integers less than 10 have to be written in english, e.g. "six meters." Fractions have to be treated as plural. 5.4 meters not meter

(ii) When a sentence ends with ", it should be after the dot. E.g. "Maddy rocks." This also holds good while using quotations with comma.

(iii) Never use double negatives in your writing. To name a few, not uninteresting, not invalid.
Also use violating for " not satisfying"

(iv) lot of is used for uncountable objects. "lot of stars," "lots of money"