Maddy's Rant

Vacuous, vivid, vivacious, aphrodisiac, simulating, rapid, ravenous

Location: Bellevue, WA, United States

Come and sit with me my friend, I promise to show you the world beyond your wildest imagination.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fabricated Reality

I feel life is one onerous journey. You pretty much don’t know what to except, where you will land, what you will do. What exists today may not be there tomorrow. Fame and shame don’t stand forever. Humans have discovered new things, made amazing advances in the field of medicine and science. But they haven’t made any progress at all towards understanding birth and death. For example, the sensual elements like fear, happiness, sorrow, orgasm, numbness can’t be reproduced on the same amplitude among humans. Even if it can be, it can't be expressed or measured quantitatively. If we can’t understand the entire working of some grey matter enclosed in 1 ft x .5 ft region, a cynic like me would never believe it is ever possible to be understood. But an optimist would reckon that it is that region which provokes you to analyze it. Though it seems conceivable at first, I feel that we all have some personality of our own. Beyond our brain, heart and our body. Someone somewhere have a little control over us. Incomprehensible to our wildest reasoning, untouched by infinitum, far away from the realm of science it is purely psychological. "You only see what you eyes want to see, You never know what it wanted to see". I DON'T DOPE. :)


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