One of my favorite words in english is hope. Not many people truly understand its true meaning. It is one vital word which instills energy into the complete languor. The difference between a total cynical and an optimist is that the former wants to realise his dreams but afraid to pursue it, while the latter is confident that it can be done and pursues it. Positivity irradiates strong vibes across, luring people from far to give you a notice, while negativity is travesty after all.
Diffidence is surly and anti-hope. The difference between hope and wish is that hope wishes for something to its fulfillment. Relentless and hope go hand in hand. Without being hopeful, we can be only resentful; not relentless.
Diffidence is surly and anti-hope. The difference between hope and wish is that hope wishes for something to its fulfillment. Relentless and hope go hand in hand. Without being hopeful, we can be only resentful; not relentless.
that's true, where is life with out hope.
jeevan : What do u think? Hope is life.
Prasana: Good for you then.
too very interesting description!
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